Silicon Valley Log Cabin Republicans

The Silicon Valley Log Cabin Republicans was formed in 1990 with Mark Patrosso as the founding President. The Silicon Valley became formally recognized Republican volunteer organization by the Santa Clara County Republican Party in January 1992. In the 1990s and 2000s anywhere between 4 to 8 members were voting members of the Santa Clara County Republican Central Committee. At the same time, there were as many as 5 chapter members that were voting delegates to the CA Republican Party conventions.

Since 1990, Log Cabin members have been Republican Party nominees for the US House of Representatives, State Senate, and State Assembly.

In 1996 Mark Patrosso was the first openly gay Delegate selected in March, to the Republican National Convention in August of that year. Later that summer two other openly gay Log Cabin members, from New York, were selected as well.

Over the years the Silicon Valley Chapter has participated in Pride events, the Billy DeFrank Center board and the SV Rainbow Chamber of Commerce. The Silicon Valley Chapter remains active in 2020 with Shane Patrick Connolly serving as Chapter President and the Chair of the Santa Clara County Republican Party.

The mission of the Log Cabin Republicans has been to work within the Republican Party to advocate equal rights for all Americans, including gays and lesbians. Log Cabin’s mission derives from their firm belief in the principles of limited government, individual liberty, individual responsibility, free markets and a strong national defense. They emphasize that these principles and the moral values on which they stand are consistent with the pursuit of equal treatment under the law for LGBQ Americans.

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