Pride Flags & Proclamations

first gay pride proclamation

23 Years Waiting for a Gay Pride Proclamation

The politically charged story behind San Jose’s Pride proclamation reflects the local struggle for LGBTQ rights and the community’s long fight with the Religious Right. Although the first U.S. Pride marches and parades were held in June 1970, it wasn’t until 1975 that leaders in San Jose’s LGBTQ community asked …

pride trans bi flag county center

Raising the Rainbow, Transgender, and Bisexual Visibility Flags

The month of June holds special meaning for many people because it is known around the world as LGBTQ Pride Month. In San Jose and Santa Clara County, the governing boards issue pride proclamations and raise the rainbow flag, usually at their first meeting in June. Ken Yeager was the …

Rainbow In the valley

Rainbow in the valley represents a call of pride for all LGBTQ+ people in San Jose and the rest of Silicon Valley. Shane Cota, a local LGBTQ+ Latino artist, wrote and read Rainbow as the pride invocation for the opening of the Coming Out exhibit in June 2021.

There is a rainbow in the valley

Our LGBTQ+ community

A colorful kaleidoscope
that reflects warmth and
welcomes you

With open arms

Our pride shines brightly
Radiating Across this valley we reside in
And over the rolling hills
(The beautiful sleeping giants)
That surround us

This valley
Has been a resting place
But we have longed
To reach higher peaks and enlightenment
For ascension

And here
Our queerness
Our communities visibility
Has reached the mountain top

Our pride glistens upon
the guadalupe
Flickering as the water gently flows

The colors reside
Within us
And when we are proud
it glows

An array of brilliant colors
Flashing, dazzling, flaring, glaring

We are intertwined in spirit
To the numerous men and women
Who laid the foundation-

For each and every one of us to be an expression
Of the liberation
They fought for

Our community found its strength
The men and women who used their voice
Loud as thunder
To speak up
For equal rights

Those moments in our lgbtq history
Forged a way for-

A little latino gay boy
Growing up
On the corner of King and camerrer
On the east side of san jose
To be able
To live authentically
And here I stand before you today

we have been lifted up
On the shoulders of our brothers and sisters who – like Ken Yeager-
Instead of hiding
Came out full force
Breaking through the doors of discrimination.
Making headlines
being the first openly gay electrd official in our county

Amending policies
And flying a rainbow flag –

making certain that it unfurled
On a post outside city hall
Where it waves
At the boy and girl who are becoming aware of who they are
Letting them know they are not alone
they are seen
They are heard

We have been lifted up
By the allies that have given their love and support

These are the pillars we stand upon

And when the storms of life come
As they surely will
The one constant that remains
Is that the rainbow will appear
In the mist of the rains
It takes shape

As the dark clouds
Begin to separate
And the light of the dawn breaks through

You’ll see it sparkle

As it rises
It greets
The morning birds
And causes them to sing

It is resilient
Never broken

No man can ever tear it down

because we have learned to be proud

We will soar

We will sing our pride

and We must carry the torch,

And continue to rise up, and speak out,
For those whose voices are not heard,

To eliminate prejudice,
And to celebrate diversity,
To rid-
Not just our city
But the world- of homophobia,
Transphobia and
Any other phobia that our LGBTQ+ community faces

we will celebrate our Pride
Salute our past
And toast to our future

and we will fly our flags,
With dignity, honor, and self respect
we will move forward and strive for a bright future

Was Formed from those
Who fought for our rights
To simply exist
To hold space
In this world

So let’s take up space!

And be true to yourself
Live your truth

And Know
that you ARE good,
You ARE beautiful,
You ARE all amazing,

We are silicon valley’s LGBTQ+ community,
and forevermore
We must be PROUD of who we are.