Welcome to Queer Silicon Valley. This website is an effort by the BAYMEC Community Foundation to celebrate the people and leaders and document the milestones and accomplishments of the LGBTQ+ community in Santa Clara County. This project is made possible by a generous grant from the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors and community support.
In the five decades since the Stonewall Riots thrust the modern queer rights movement into the national spotlight, our local community has seen many triumphs and tribulations. The goal of this website is to preserve the history of our community and present it in a way that is easily accessible to everyone. You will find original documents, photos, recordings, and memorabilia that provide a window to the past. You will also find historical research paired with essays and interviews with the people who lived through extraordinary times.
Bits and pieces of this important history have been preserved by members of our community, but there are many gaps in our collective memory. Some information has been lost to ravages of AIDS, and some stories have never been told because they happened to members of our community largely unseen by the mainstream. This project is an attempt to fill in as many gaps in our knowledge as we can.
Although we have strived to make our initial offering as complete as possible, no one group can completely tell the story of this diverse and special community. Our hope is that this website will be ever expanding. Going forward, we need help from all corners of the community to make sure that we accurately tell as many stories as possible.
Lastly, it is exciting to see so many young queer professionals begin to advance in their careers, be it government, community service, the arts, or tech. Many have little or no opportunities to learn about local queer history. How could they when there is no place to find it? It is the hope that through this virtual exhibit they will learn from the history makers who went before them and take inspiration from them to reach higher in their own ambitions and careers to make history themselves.
If you have a question, correction, story, or items to share, please contact us using the link from any part of this site. Help us create a comprehensive repository of historical knowledge that can be shared with generations to come.
–Ken Yeager, Exhibition Director &
BAYMEC Community Foundation Executive Director
Friends of Queer Silicon Valley ($1,000+)
State Senator Robert Wieckowski (ret.)
Supervisor Mike Wasserman (ret.)
Sheriff Robert Jonsen
County Assessor Larry Stone
Mayor Larry Klein
Mayor Lisa Gillmor
Mayor Laura Parmer-Lohan (ret.)
Mayor Darcy Paul (ret.)
Councilmember Rene Spring
Individuals ($1,000+)
of Rev. Layne Kulwin
Tony & Jeff Rangel
BAYMEC Community Foundation Board of Directors
- Ken Yeager – Executive Director
- James Gonzales – President
- Leslee Hamilton – Secretary
- Dennis Chiu – Treasurer
Queer Silicon Valley
- Ken Yeager – Exhibition Director
- Steven Peck – Digital Archivist & Project Assistant
- Emily N Cannon – Technical Content Editor & Ontologist
- Jordan Evans-Boyajian – Content Writer, Digital Archivist, & Media Curator
- Jim Weston – Grantwriter/Consultant
- Jonathan David Katz – Exhibition Advisor; Interim Director, Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies at University of Pennsylvania
- Hunter Rook – Web Developer
- Jesse Reed – Graphic Designer
Advisory Board
- Liz Burkhouse
- Terry Christensen
- Ron Corre
- Shay Franco-Clausen
- Rodrigo Garcia
- James Harris
- Eileen Hamper
- Maureen Heath
- Jeffrey Levine
- Daniel Moretti
- Ray Mueller
- Rebecca O’Bryan
- Bettie Owen
- Frank Pena
- Kae Papula
- Judy Rickard
- Bryan Rodriguez
- Craig Westley Shannon
- Craig Simpson
- Wiggsy Sivertsen
- Johnson Tran
Queer Silicon Valley would like to thank the following for their contributions to the project:
- Patrick Ahrens
- Nicole Altamirano
- Oliver Alvarez
- Adonna Amoroso
- Gabrielle Antolovich
- Christina Arpante, Ed.D
- Elaine Baltao
- Rod Blair
- Jason Bennert
- Liz Burkhouse
- Amy Caffrey
- Kevin Callahan
- Alex Campos
- David Campos
- Dave Carranza
- Denny Carroll
- Luis Castillo
- Don Cecil
- Karen Chapman
- Patrick Champagne
- Nicholas Chan
- Eric Chong
- Roger Chow
- Chris Clark
- Doug Cody
- Ron Corre
- Bob Correa
- James Creer
- Kermit Cuff
- Rafael Cuilan
- Francisco Delgadillo
- Dave Ellison
- BJ Fadem
- Sera Fernando
- Shay Franco-Lawson
- Pat Franks
- Wyatt Gale
- John Gamber
- Rodrigo Garcia
- Mark Gillard
- Mark Gilley
- Peter Hamilton
- Eileen Hamper
- Sparky Harlan
- Kim Harris
- Whayne Herriford
- Molly Herzig
- Allan Hurst
- William Kiley
- Steve Kline
- Pete Koopman
- Katie Lauer
- Jeff Larivee
- Bill Lawrence
- Michelle Lew
- Darlene Lutz Montalbano
- Vince Macri
- Arturo Magana
- Bennett Marks
- Maribel Martinez
- Kyle Matsumoto Burch
- Jean McCorquodale
- Jeff McGee
- Jamie McLeod-Skinner
- Clint Moore
- Lance Moore
- Daniel Moretti
- Paul Morrell
- Raymond Mueller
- Omar Nunez
- Bettie Owens
- Jorge Pacheco
- Kae Papula
- Mark Patrosso
- Frank Pena
- Rafael Perez
- Kenneth Peter
- Tom Pyke
- Philippe Rey-Westlund
- Dave Richard
- Kevin Roche
- Amor Santiago
- Bob Sheehan
- Craig Simpson
- Wiggsy Sivertsen
- Rene Spring
- Pam Stacks
- Christina Stavern
- Marge Stubble
- Bonnie Sugiyama
- Saldy Suriban
- Nate Svobado
- Ed Tang
- Claudia Thomas
- Joanna Thompson
- Omar Torres
- Rich Tretten
- Katy Turner
- Michael Vargas
- Gary Waddell
- Pat Waddell
- Pam Walton
- Charlie Wasser
- Rich Waterman
- Bill Weaver
- Scot Weaver
- Jenna Weiner
- Karen Wickre
- Rhan Wilson
- Doug Winslow
- Kathy Wolfe
- Mike Zampiceni
- Tina Zarpour
With special thanks to Rebecca O’Bryan